Light House

Not your normal, sit in the sun, lazing cruise

About the experience

Quite possibly the single greatest adventure of your life is a cruise.

Oh no! Not the usual, tropical, swigging a cool, tall drink kind of a cruise. We are talking, freezing cold, to the end of the earth kind of a trip. An Antarctica cruise, in short.

And, what a trip! The ports of call have formally clad penguins – really, the tuxedo must have originated from them. Languid dolphins swim along – mermaids must have been modelled after them. And, the lazy lolling around of the seals is what life should be all about!

The landscape is different with massive sheer cliffs and jagged peaks that drop straight into the sea! The blue of the skies vies with the blues of the glaciers. And, keeping it all white is one of the greenest challenges we all face.

Image credit – Taj Chia Kutir Resort and Spa

If you are a photographer, the icebergs, the penguins, the whales, the numerous birds, the seals and the spectacular sunsets are a dream come true!If you aren’t you still have the bragging rights about a trip rarely done. Oh, imagine the silence when you narrate your experiences! Plus all the faces looking up to you in awe and wonder!!So, take the road, sorry, seas less travelled. Go for an Antarctica cruise. All you need to set it up is to give us the signal.

Make this experience yours…

You are now thinking, “Fun and interesting is fine, but how are these folks different?” Well, difference is just what it means: a different take on a destination, a different holiday idea, a different hotel suggestion, a different way around.
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