Light House

An African safari is a family affair

About the experience

Let’s start by changing your idea of an African safari. The one where you go into the bush or savannah in open jeeps over rutted tracks…the one immortalised in cinema and television.

First up, how about a hot air balloon safari? You get a truly unique perspective on the spectacular wilderness though you need to be up before dawn to catch the beauty of day break over the great plains as you drift unobtrusively over the great herds below.

Camels, anyone? A camel safari in northern Kenya is a once in a lifetime experience, riding through the bush at a relaxed pace, moving through the wild in tune with the rhythms of nature.

If we mention dhows, we aren’t taking you to Dubai. A day spent at sea on a dhow safari is a wonderful and fantastic way to explore Kenya’s pristine coastline. Go diving or snorkelling around Wasini Island. Or, check out the mangroves and estuaries of Mida Creek, home to a fantastic range of bird life.

Image credit – Taj Chia Kutir Resort and Spa

Which brings us to birding safaris. If the capital, Nairobi, itself has 600 resident and migratory bird species imagine the richness in the wild!A walk on the wild side is eminently do-able too. Become aware of every sight and sound, the smell of the earth and the touch of the wind as you walk the wilderness with trained guides.No matter what your budget, there’s a safari for you. You just need us, at Lighthouse, to be your guides!

Make this experience yours…

You are now thinking, “Fun and interesting is fine, but how are these folks different?” Well, difference is just what it means: a different take on a destination, a different holiday idea, a different hotel suggestion, a different way around.
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