Light House

Your travel bucket list for 2019

About the experience​

A new year is just around the corner. Which means the travel bucket list has to be updated. So, here are three destinations for you to add for 2019. Our emailer has two more and if you are not on the mailing list do email us to start receiving our travel ideas.

Vast, exotic, wild and infinite in its beauty – that’s Patagonia in Chile. Discover a truly unspoiled wilderness of mountains, fjords, glaciers, forests and steppes. Live and breathe Patagonia’s ranching history and the gaucho lifestyle as you drive or bike or trek across.

The Skeleton Coast in Namibia is one of the world’s last great wildernesses. Lions, hyenas and other predators wander the shore. Elephants wade in as well and sharks patrol the offshore waters. Explore this wilderness by kayak, catamaran, quad bike or 4×4s.

Discover the wonders of Georgia, in the Caucasus mountains and along the Black Sea. Immerse yourself in ancient history, hit the clubbing scene in the capital Tbilisi or enjoy the pleasures of a mineral water spa or even a wine spa!To travel to any of these destinations, or to get more ideas for your travel bucket list, just give us a shout. We’re available on phone, mobile, email, Facebook, Twitter and even Instagram!

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